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Parent Surveys November 2019

Thank you to everyone who very helpfully completed a survey at the recent YR-Y6 parents' evenings. There Three hundred adn eighty nine surveys were returned, which is excellent. Surveys were analysed and we are delighted with the results which are in the table below. We will continue to work to address any individual issues raised in the survey.

Thank you for your support.

We love the school. We think you do a fantastic job and our child is very happy. Also, can't drag her away from Teatime Club, she adores it there - great service, amazing staff! Thank you " (Y1)

" Exceptionally happy - feels my child is wellsuported in his learning . A massive thankyou to the teacher" (Y2)

" I would like to say, I think you have the level of homework just right. Variety, choice, but without being too time consuming." (Y5 and Y3)

'Very happy with the teaching staff'  (Y1 twins) 

"Amy is very happy here. I love this school and would recommend the school and already have to other parents." (Y1)

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