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Managing Medical Needs in School

At Buckingham Park Primary School we support pupils with medical conditions, including asthma, eczema, nut allergies or other allergies that may potentially lead to anaphylaxis, diabetes, epilepsy, incontinence and a number of other conditions, including mental health concerns. 

We have astaff who are specially trained in First Aid and in supporting pupils with ongoing medical conditions. We are also well supported by our Public Health Nurse (School Nursing Service) and referrals can be made through the school for advice, although you should always contact your child's GP in the first instance if you have medical concerns. You should inform the school office on 01273 453515 as soon as possible about any medical conditions or needs that your child has that may require support.

What to expect from your School Nurse Service (Ages 5-19)

School nurses provide support to ensure that children, young people and families can access appropriate information and advice. Prior to this your child may have received support from the Health Visiting Service. When your child joins Buckingham Park you can expect to have contact with the screening team when your child is in Reception. A hearing and vision screen is offered to your child plus a growth measurement as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). Your child will also be offered a further growth measurement in Year Six, again as part of the NCMP. You will be contacted with the results of vision and hearing screening tests and will receive a letter about the NCMP measurements.

You will have the chance to opt out of the screening of your child if you would like to.

Intimate Care

We can support pupils with intimate care, particularly where it relates to a medical condition or other diagnosis.

Please read our intimate care policy below.


If your child requires an asthma inhaler, auto-injector (Epipen, Jext, Emerade) or other medicine on a regular basis, you should contact the school office in the first instance. You may also be required to provide a plan signed by a medical professional.

If you have concerns about your child's health or they have an identified need and would like further advice about how we can support your child's health needs in school, please contact the school on 01273 453515 and ask to speak to Mrs. Kelly Douglas (SENCO) or Mrs. Ester Clarke  (First Aid and Welfare Assistant). Alternatively, you can email office@buckinghampark.co.uk and mark your email FAO Mrs. Douglas or Mrs. Clarke

If your child becomes ill in school

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